Thursday, December 17, 2009

How Do I Keep My Back From Breaking Out After I Wax It How Do I Keep My Mind In This Situation?

How do I keep my mind in this situation? - how do i keep my back from breaking out after i wax it

I lived with a friend for several years, because I do not work (because of the injury and could not disability - long story, we do not want to go there because they do not help, and just frustrated and annoyed me). While he did not really work, I am here only for their survival. It's a bit unfair (emotional, financial, not physical).

So, now I'll try to get a job in net income, but I sabotaged at every turn (as it did when I tried to do my exercises, meditation, my PT). His attitude is influence on my self-esteem, and I can not understand how to work around. It is there all the time because she works at home, but did not prevent interruptions or insults. I am not free to leave, call, - Well, actually, in theory, but it is not working, long story.

How can I stay positive, let's go my back, I still feel like I am a quiet person when he leads me, and we're together 24 hours a day, so do not alwaysTake a break?

And please do not say that we can - I will not go into detail, but he has for months looking for this and if I leave before the house - but lose everything I I've tried to build, next to my cat and all my things. At least here I can do something with my life.

I do not want to lose myself or my belief in myself.


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